Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Pointless Banter

Whoa, I almost forgot about this.

So. Yeah. How's it going?

I am now in a class that I'm not getting credit for. I'm not sure how, but one day I just appeared. God, I wish I had some crackers. 

Cara and Andrew Jeff are at a New Kids on the Block concert. Lizz is doing math homework. I wish I would eat solid food. Honestly, all I want is an avocado sandwich. A yoga class would be nice too.

So, we've been back from Spring break (yeah, I don't think it actually happened either) for a while. I've been keeping busy with things. 

I have to go get my laundry.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

new york and nikes are whats in.

I have decided to write again because i havent since vacation. To sum up my awesome time in new york city it goes as follows.
1. Mary Poppins on Broadway..AMAZING. Going back and on stage and meeting the cast..BEYOND AMAZING!
2. Eating at the Hard Rock Cafe with my friend Matt and the rents. wonderful. they have the best mac and cheese ever invented. i want to steal thier recipe and copywrite it to my name..but sadly i do not think i can accomplish that goal.
Three. Thursday was full of fun shananigans, Chilled with my buddy matt the whole day Mexican restaurant, drinking Margaritas illegally, going to an Irish bar, having a bud light, and a long island ice tea! delicious. Random fun at the apartment. Walking drunk to the subway, and then deciding not to go back to the hotel room, turning around an staying at the appartment. Laughing and running down the streets of ny giving high fives to not sketchy looking people. I recieved only 2 and matt won with 4...we did that for only like a half hour.
4. Listening to music is the bomb. i was introduced to Richard Cheese. I am not goign to spoil his greatness. iTune him up.(nora knows what hes all about :) Just give him a listen and your life will change. and you'll soon thank me in time.
Cinco. Friday leaving, was okay i dont like leaving from somewhere that i enjoy being, so i was sad for the whole day, cuz i love the whole time in the city.

That was my new york adventure.
I miss being home, but now we're back at school...classes, sedexo food, the geese are back, and the wind is wicked as ever, yep im glad to be back.

I spelled bagel wrong on my dry erase board, and cara had to correct my bagle to bagel..yay me! dont hate i just play clarinet.

Well im heading off with nor nor, cara, hiro, and andrewjeff to go get us some goods from the package store. and then bringing hiro to typhoon asia, and then dunkin run, which is always needed.

im wearing my yellow nikes...i like them.

and i kissed a girl just came into play on my ipod..on that note..peace out.

enjoy the rest of the day

Saturday, March 21, 2009

I'm just as lost as you Claude.

Today, I had to get blood work done and one of the test they're going to run is to check to see if I have celiac disease (god, I hope not. All I eat is oatmeal!) and the nurse taking my blood told me that they have gluten free beer that taste better than regular beer!!! Hooray!

I got 8 test tubes of blood taken out of me. I felt like I was on really weak drugs afterwards. 

Later in the day I went to go see my high school production of Hair. They did such a good job. I was so proud. They did it out!

We should have a Hair party, we could all pretend to be hippies. It would be fantastic!

Ew, school is starting again. Ugh, NO. 

The whole point of this was to share my excitement about gluten free beer and pitch the idea for a Hair party. 

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Just a Spoonful of Sugar and New York Extravaganza...so far

okay Nora i am gratef hahahah!! i totally was going to spell it the wrong great!! okay lets start over...i am greatful for all that irish information it is a great deal of importance. Yesterday my family enjoyed the traditional corned beef and cabbage, turnips, carrots, and pototoes!. and irish soda bread and rye bread! anywho onto the stuff thats goin on today

As this moment this very instant i am currently sitting at a convienient computer that the lovely Fairfield Inn Lobby has given to me. Now this morning we woke up at a decent hour went to the train station and went to two garages that were full so my father dropped me and my mom off with the baggage and we waiting till he got back and so on. After getting comfortably sat down in the train, 4 youngins sit behing us, god lame. They were the seniors of high school im guessing. And all the did was chit chat up and down. good god. i couldnt even hear my Vivaldi playin on my ipod. I tried to drown em out. I looked to my left behind me just for a looksee of what they looked like. But wat do i get, two of em smoochin on the seat. Lovely and Sweet i say, but not when you can actually here the kiss. I feel like an old women when im writing this. But the rest of the ride goes smoothly and after two hours we arrive at Grand Central. Hurrah and finally.

We take the subway and get off on 42nd street. Time Square ahh i love it. the sounds of people walking, purses being smooshed together, grunts of the old people that can't walk fast enough, and the smell of second hand smoke. We walk with out luggage, debating whether or not to go left or right on 40w st. We go left, but to our behalf we needed to go right...so we turn..we walk down this semi-nice road hopeing our hotel will be there, nope one more block. We walk down this road with three Adult Toy/Video shops...they have Blue Ray now, and the sound of construction is filling the air. We find our hotel and when you walk in its grand. But at the consearge(sp?) the women at the front desk tells us our room isnt ready yet..Grate

So we sit, i find some juice take an advil, and then me and mom decided to putzaround we found a convienience store. yay for that...then we walked back to the hotel, sat at this very computer and ate my luna bar. and i think people are waiting for this comp. too bad tough, i got it..but im actually done.

stay tuned, i possibly could write more when i have the chance

im going to see Mary Poppins tonight!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Uisce Beatha

Today was the day of our people...Today was our Patron Saint's (Patrick) Day!!!!! He drove all the snakes out of Ireland. (Ok, that's not exactly true. Ireland never had any snakes to begin with, but that's besides the point.)

It's actually a Day of Holy Obligation if you're Irish, but then you go home after Mass and drink!!

So take that, Anglo-Saxon Americans! You use to hate us (Help Wanted: No Irish need apply), but on March 17th you want to BE us. I think that's one point for the Motherland. 

I have been drinking all day. 

If you were wondering, Uisce Beatha (Ish keh Ba Ha) is Gaelic for Craythur or as you probably know it, Whiskey. Uisce Beatha actually translates in English as, "Water of Life" 

Ok, that's enough. This is too embarrassingly Irish for one day. 

Sunday, March 15, 2009

I am at the Home Base

1st thing on the agenda...

Happy 21st Birthday Alex!!! WE LOVE YOU!!! Like a lot...Hugs and kisses!

Fun Fact: It's also my parents anniversary and the Ides of March.

Ok, more stuff time.

I am eating a cookie... My brother wants me to buy him a rifle to hunt humans with (they are, "the ultimate game" in his words) he was telling me all about this while I was trying to talk to Alex on the phone, actually.

It's spring break, I hung out with my group of friends from home in Amherst. You do NOT pronounce the h!!! I've been cooking a lot. I have been talking to Lizz online. We are planing to hang out in Noho. Don't forget the lesbians, Lizz!!! It's weird to wake up and not have Lizz open a door across the hallway at the same time as me and scuffle our non made up faces down the hall to our hideous bathroom together. 

I haven't talked to Becky in 2 or 3 days. I think I am having extreme sepperation anxiety. 
I was going to get my lip pierced tomorrow, but then I realized Bob would have me legitimately killed. I miss Sally so much it creates a dull pain in my solar plex...and maybe my heart. 

My mum asked on what I am planning to do with my Dance Degree. That made my heart stop. 

I have also been sleeping a lot. I'm actually going to go sleep some more right now.

shout out to Alex!
its his b-day

Happy 21st Birthday!!

Love, Lizz and Nora :)

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Shananigans and Lollipops

Hola Chums,
Well it is finally here Spring Break! Only the first day of it, but still no school and no sedexo food. Which is one great thing of my excitement being back at home. I dont rili have any super funny stories yet.
I just saw Hello Dolly friday night and sat night at mah high school. It actually was pretty good. The usual happened, the chorus is to quiet and cant hear them from the 3rd row. Two of the leads can act wonderfully but can rili sing except for hamonies, dont count of those solos. I enjoyed being back at my school, the fantasic journey through the halls of east catholic was memorable. I saw many faces that i once hung out with before, saw teachers i disliked and loved. My fav was seeing Brudz my band teacher, i love him and his baldness at 35. It was a very enlightning evening.
I went over to one of my friends house after the show tonight...and i though this was hilarious. My friend Becca told me tonight..."Today I was at Forever 21 just putzing around looking for clothes, then i saw this maniquin(sp?) and it looked like she was takin a dump, so i go to my sister yelling 'This maniquin looks like shes about to toot!!' But sadly as I turned it was my sister is was some old lady who stared at me, as I ran away into the depths of the store so i could hide'"...i dunno i died when i heard it. Mayhaps cuz i think everything like that is hilarious.
I drove around for 20mins secretly smoking ciggs in my car, blasting Lollipop by Mika at 12am
Talked to Nora online, and decided to try a chat room, which sadly failed, but we decided to maybe take a trip to Northampton next saturday, as adventure before school comes back into play. I love Noho and its hippies! :)
Its that time again, sadly there is not a thing next to me, on account i am in my computer room at home and i have no fridge convieniently placed by my side for my nightly diet dr.pepper and/or diet pepsi like my dorm.
Have a beautious night!

Friday, March 13, 2009


YAY!!! I'm drunk!!!!!

Lizz ad I went to Jowders, drank....I think I got a contact high, maybe(?) 

I have had 5 different kinds of alcohol tonight. This is great. When I got back I started drinking gin out of a bottle rapidly. 

We saw Amie!! 

I watched Sarah Silverman. 

Lizz drank too. She was DD for the first time. I won't go into detail. Tonight was epic.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009



This is the best picture ever taken. It makes absolutely no sense, but makes complete sense at the same time.

This is magical. 

I think I might make it through the rest of the week now.

I wrote Mumsy a letter in rehearsal.

Cara just sneezed. 

Tea Time!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Raddinatah Has Made a Decision

As of this instint well like a couple of hours ago i have made the decision to get rid of this Elementary Education Major and just stick with the magical Professional Music major instead. But my lovely friend Andrew Jeff had a different idea. He did not want me to just keep music as a major because to him no one in the arts will find a well enough paying job to get by in this life. He had a grand idea to have myself minor in business...yes lizz is goin into business. Who knows perhaps i will open up a music studio for lessons and whatnot or my own music store. Yes perhaps.

This brings to mind my other ideas on my jobs i could do if all else fails. If my now Music and Business track somehow fail. I either want to go to Johnson and Wales for pastry. I will become a pastry chef, open up my own business in new york or boston (see this business minor might come in handy) at this pastry shop it will be like the ones on tv on the food network ( luv that channel with all my heart) and all the famous people will be going to this shop. sounds exciting to me but a big long idea in my head. My other idea is going to beauty school, no im not going to be like Frenchy and die my hair easter egg pink. I love makeup so maybe i can be like a broadway makeup artist or fashion/costume lady. who knows these ideas are a long stretch i got time.

Oh today in Jazz Band noone was feeling the jazz vibe for some reason. I dont know, hopefully next tuesday it will be more lively.

Tomorrow morning/day will be my day of going to my advisors and telling them about my plan of dropping education. who knows what that will bring. Tough im doing it. :p

Andrew Jeff lent me the new Kelly Clarkson CD its pretty chill, on acount i really only know one song. But i love it.

Well as i sit here, with what? not dr. pepper. but an empy diet pepsi sitting to my left. Im heading to bed cuz im waking up at 855 for registration at 9. woopie!

Goodnight all

oh and i wore sum glitter today, but i bet it fell off...i didnt check

He was the Ballet Master for the Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo, but I tend to gravitate towards Graham

I saw the Boston Ballet this past Saturday. We saw Balanchine's Jewels (all three; Emeralds, Rubies, and Diamonds) Rubies and Diamonds are my favorite. I am not fond of Emeralds. Larissa Ponomarenko danced the lead in Diamonds (I almost cried everywhere, she is THE best ballerina right now. I love her. I want to be her best friend.) One of the Corps girls fell on stage during Rubies. I saw the Miami City ballet perform it years ago. I got to meet Edward Villela (Who I'm slightly in love with) He is hott for an old man. MCB exclusively does Balanchine, so I feel they did a better job with it. Now I am writing a 4 page paper on this and I want to grande battment Reagan in the face. My right leg, arabesque, I have the most hight.

*No one probably understood a word of that.*

So...I have a scar developing on my right leg. I got attacked by a rube at Walmart. 

OH! So my prejudice and slight phobia of rubes, hicks, etc. developed at a very young age. When I was 7 I had 3 recurring nightmares that lasted until I was 11. One of them was I would be walking down the street from my neighbor's house to my house. Halfway to my house a dingy red Micro bus would stop next to me. The window would roll down and this FAT, dirty, greasy haired, ugly hick lady (complete with missing teeth, overalls, and stained flannel shirt) would ask me (rudely) in her dumb as a door knob southern accent, "Tell me how I get home! You can't get home until I get home!) I would make up directions, hoping that somehow they would be right. She would snort/cough at me and speed off. I would continue walking, but I wouldn't reach my house. She would then come back and say, "Yer wrong! How do I get home?" This process would continue on and on until I woke up. 

So that's where that came from!!! I never set foot inside a Walmart until I came to Rindge. My mother told me that even if she did shop there she would refuse to take me. She was afraid I would break out in hives. 

I get to see my Mumsy on Friday! She buys nice wine!! 

Monday, March 9, 2009



::mini update::
when i went onto our prestigious blog that we just made tonight. I saw that we have 2 followers. I literally got up from my seat and ran across the hall heard a yell of excitment before i opened the door. opened it and nora was already there with here hands up for a double high fives.

yes we get excited about the little things.

g'night again :)

Here we go

Allrighty well here we go we made this blog for the fun of having a blog and plus all the other reasons nora has already mentioned :) I have sat here for almost an hour figuring out how to use a freakin blog. Do i like it? I love it. Its pretty much the coolest thing ever made onto the internet. A bunch of hooligans writing to each other, and having stranger dangers (well hopefully not on ours nora haha) look and read our daily fun of our days. Its grand.
I enjoyed a delicious cup of tea this night, made by nora. I made a phone call to Andrew Jeff to help me figure out some stuff for this blogging fun, did he answer..no..of course not. haha. but i got the hand of it. Some tv show is on where a lady was naked in a bubble bath. which isnt too suprising because who would be fully clothed in a bubble bath? My Dr. Pepper oo Diet Dr.Pepper can is sitting next to me happily empty. and my phone has just died, because i dont get service in this black whole of my dorm. So my next task is goin to charge that for the night. I think im going to stop blabbering on about nonsence, but thats what i do. and im off to take a shower, and try and figure out more of bloggspot because i have another blog that i am being part of. High Five and goodnight. :)


We are actually just kinda here to somewhat stalk the Jowder's Blog...We know we're creeps.

I guess we can open the big book of dark secrets that is our lives over here in Monadnock...More like dork secrets...

Ok, so Nora is on the verge of a small breakdown about reality and such. Her "What direction are you actually planning to go in your life?" discussion with her parents is postponed until tomorrow. She was officially accepted to the Vienna program to go and be Bob and Sally's new best friend. Maybe learn about art. She doesn't actually know why she applied. She stood and pretended to play with a camera for 3 hours at rehearsal today. She had oatmeal, peanut butter, licorice, and tea (with Lizz) for dinner. This is her semi-regular routine. Try not to be jealous of her exciting life. She has a fiancee named Becky and her boyfriend is Kanye West.

Nora would like to know if anyone would just give her $7000?

Lizz Lizz ate pizza sticks at the pub. Watched television, including Ray J with Nora, Cara, and Andrew Jeff. She's now showering. Lizz is completely single as of right now. (Lizz's relationship status is subject to change at any moment...without warning...watch out)

*Update* Cara finished her 10 page Business in Society paper!!!! She is now watching Phantom of the Opera.

Nora hates Phantom of the Opera. Lizz likes it. 

Nora has plans to clean, do dishes, and meet with Wendy tomorrow. As for Lizz, I believe she has Jazz band rehearsal and other things like classes, possibly work with Anna Banana. 

Oh, I wish I had some banana chips.